Success Story: Jessie Parhar

13351253_10154125832801280_1540944160_o“The results and support you get from the team is just simply amazing!”

Jessie has been attending sessions with our trainer Lindsey since November. She came to us hoping to look her best for her upcoming wedding, which occurred in April.

After losing an amazing 28 lbs and an overall total of 16.5 inches, Jessie was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions for me about our program and her time with us so far!

When did you first join SmartFit?

Jessie: I joined sometime in November.

What is your favourite part of the workouts?

Jessie: The best part is the way I feel after my workout. Often I arrive tired after a full day of work and chaos, but when I leave my training session, I feel good about myself, and I find I have more energy. I have a sense of accomplishment when I’m done each session.

Have you tried other nutrition plans in the past? If so, is the SmartFit nutrition plan different than you’ve done before?

Jessie: I have tried many other eating plans; I’m guilty of falling into the trap of new diet plans that come out. For many years, its changed from no carbs, to high carbs; eating every 4 hours to eating every 2 hours; to calories being under this limit, etc. I found through the years, the rules constantly changed, and as you adapted to new rules and ways, your body ends up yo-yoing back and forth between losing weight and packing it on. With the SmartFit nutritional plan, I have actually kept weight off, the guidelines don’t change, and it actually works for my body. Even if I have a bad weekend of food-cheating, my body does not skyrocket in how much weight I gain; I surprisingly just maintain.

What has been your favourite part of the SmartFit program as a whole?

Jessie: The best part is that I just feel better as a person. My clothes are less tight, I have more energy, I’m happy, my back pain is limited, and I don’t feel as weak as I did when I first started. Now, I actually look forward to working out.

What were your goals before you began with us?

Jessie: My goal was pretty simple — look the best I could for my wedding. I got married April of this year, and I wanted to feel and look good at my own wedding.

Have your goals been met and/or surpassed in your time with us?

Jessie: I have surpassed my goals. I didn’t want to put a number on how much I wanted to lose when I first began, but the number I did lose just blew my mind. I lost weight and inches, and I gained muscle and confidence.

When and in what ways did you first start to see results?

Jessie: I started noticing results just a few weeks into the program. It was actually my husband that first noticed it. I started getting compliments from family members, coworkers, and just people in general. I started to notice that my face was slimmer, my clothes were loose, and eventually some clothes just did not fit anymore.

Have you experienced any positive benefits from working with SmartFit besides weightloss?

Jessie: One of the best benefits since starting training has actually been that my back issues have lessened. I have a terrible back from previous injuries, and often my pain would get so bad that I wouldn’t be able to walk. Since starting my training, I have found that my back pains have become less frequent, and my strength has risen significantly.

Do you have any advice for individuals considering joining us?

Jessie: Just do it! Put the excuses aside, and just do it. The results and the support you get from the team is just simply amazing.

Congratulations on your amazing success and recent wedding Jessie, and thank you for your hard work and dedication!

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