How technology made us fat

Why did our ancestors never need to workout and go on diets? I believe this is because computerization technology has come with a BIG consequence. It’s like how a calculator makes it easy to forget how math works, computerization has made it easy to stop moving. Work, entertainment, play, and communication have all permanently been modified by computerization. You don’t …

Health Secret 3: The Dangers of Weekends

Here’s something I’ve learned after 8 years of helping people get in shape… almost all weight gain occurs on weekends. This is the next secret to getting back on track. If you’ve been reading along, the first was the power of walking, the second was getting crunchy boxed food out of your house, the third was getting a haircut and …

Next health secret to get you immediately back on track (seriously)

We covered the power of walking and how “crunchy” processed food are excessively pleasurable in my last email on getting you back on track after the pandemic. Hopefully you immediately implemented some changes! Here’s the next one: Get a haircut and buy new clothes! Haha I bet you’re thinking “what?” Yes. We are harsh judges. Our minds are always assessing, …

Ditch the pandemic and get back in shape for 2021

It’s been a tough 10 months, and getting back to health is more important than ever I want to give you 5 rapidly working secrets that can get you back on track quickly so you can put the pandemic behind you and move on with your life Here’s the first two secrets: Walk a lot  Get rid of boxed and …

The culture of SmartFit? ??

So I’ve been working with this company, they help mentor me to turn my business from a fitness gym into a high level health coaching business. Health is a weird new industry. People haven’t ever needed “personal trainers” or “nutritionists” until the last few decades. The world has changed, health isn’t something that people naturally have anymore. The biggest causes …

How to lose weight

Think about the simple title of this article: “How to lose weight.” What comes to mind for you? I bet I have an idea: – Stop eating junk food – Go for a run – Go to the gym – Eat more vegetables – Eat more salad – Stop eating red meat So basically: eat better, eat less, move more. …

Success Story: Sheryl M., Surrey BC

My name is Sheryl, and I am a single mother.  Until I stumbled upon SmartFit, I was constantly tired, depressed, and completely unmotivated in every aspect of my life.  I was significantly over-weight, suffered from injuries, and physically unable to pick up my own child.  That was rock-bottom for me. I had previously tried every trick in the book, from …

Success Story: Brett Kelly

“I have never had a day where I dreaded going to work out since I began coming to SmartFit.” Brett began attending sessions with our trainer Levi in March 2016. He came to us hoping to lose 60 pounds and feel more energized. After losing an amazing 40 lbs, Brett was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions for us about our program and his time with us …

Success Story: Dave Forshaw

“Joining a SmartFit Program is one of the best things you can do for yourself” Dave began attending sessions with our trainer Erik in April 2016. He came to us hoping to lose some weight and get in shape to keep up with active grandkids. After losing an amazing 46 lbs, Dave was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions for us about our …